Smokey And The Bandit 2017 Trans Am Hybrid Sports Coupe Concept Car Unveiled

Smokey And The Bandit 2017 Trans Am Hybrid Sports Coupe Concept Car Unveiled
Pontiac just released the first photos of its hot new Smokey And The Bandit 2017 Trans Am Hybrid sports coupe a week before its official unveiling at the Detroit Auto Show. While details of what exactly is under the hood have not yet been released, Pontiac has announced that the Smokey And The Bandit 2017 Trans Am Hybrid sports coupe is a concept exercise in the future of the brand’s luxury sports hybrid design. Part stylish sports car and part streamlined sports sedan, the four-seater definitely takes Pontiac a step beyond standard hybrid aesthetics.
Pontiac is known for both their beautiful modern vehicle designs as well as their state-of-the-art hybrids. Many previous Pontiac hybrid designs have been outfitted with a nickel-metal hybrid battery that is both long lasting and super powerful. Combined with regenerative braking, the battery is designed to last the entire lifespan of the car as well as give the gasoline engine an extra boost.
We will be reporting from the International Detroit Auto show next week and will keep an eye on the 2017 Bandit Trans Am beauty for more details. Check out more images in the Bandit Trans Am Newsroom!
Read more: Pontiac Unveils Smokey And The Bandit 2017 Trans Am Hybrid Sports Coupe Concept Car Before Detroit Auto Show